Arab Tower Hotel Hotel i Amman

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JordanArab Tower Hotel Hotel



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Al Hashimi Street, Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 464 2260
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Latitude: 31.951482, Longitude: 35.936096

kommentar 5

  • Giulia R.

    Giulia R.


    Good price quality proportion. Good breakfast included, room old and ruined but very clean. It's worth a few nights

  • Treetje Treetje

    Treetje Treetje


    We boekten een standaard kamer en we kwamen terecht in een grote familie kamer met vijf bedden en twee badkamers. Badkamer volledig verouderd. Een dag geen warm water wellicht door de waterschaarste. Ligging hotel midden in al-ballad.

  • Mirka Kubíková

    Mirka Kubíková


    Na prvý pohľad pekný hotel. Na druhý už menej. Majú vtipné sprchy rovno nad wc, čiže sprchovať sa dá aj po sediačky. Až na jedného zatúlaného švábika, sa tu dá na pár nocí, kto nepotrebuje 5* komfort,prebývať. Nachádza sa na rušnej ulici a má rooftop jedáleň.

  • Hannes Loubser

    Hannes Loubser


    The staff here are super helpful. We spent our first night in Jordan / Amman here and had difficulty finding the hotel due to our stupid GPS. But when we phoned the hotel they sent a man out to come and drive with us to get us to our destination safely. That's service. Also the stay here is very affordable. Rooms are spacious and it's located smack in down town so one can easily walk through the city and explore from here. Parking is an issue all across Amman so although this isn't their fault but having their own parking space for convenience would be ideal. It's quite a hassle to look for parking and running the risk of getting a ticket by the police while the car idles in front of the hotel.

  • Seymour Sunshine

    Seymour Sunshine


    This is a good, clean independent travellers' hotel. Apart from the small and simple rooms there's a small restaurant where you can get a decent meal. They can also book taxis and day trips on your behalf and arrange car hire. It's a good place to stay right in the heart of Amman near the main sites and close to the bus station and several local taxi stations. It's also a good place to meet other travellers, of course. Recommended for those on a tight budget and not expecting or wanting 5-star luxury.

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