Torwadah Hotel i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanTorwadah Hotel



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Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 8879 5875
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.951225, Longitude: 35.935213

kommentar 5

  • Qasim Shaikh

    Qasim Shaikh


    Love 7

  • Mohammad Jilani

    Mohammad Jilani


    I can't deny they gave me a big bunch of roses for the money yet they where not fresh I called before to make an order and I picked it on time no delay Still I was not happy with the quality of the roses

  • Huthaifa Awwad

    Huthaifa Awwad


    Not bad

  • q.s t

    q.s t


    actually it was okay , clean and close to everything , in the cinter of downtown ..for such a price its the best choice the people there were so friendly and helpful , the only problem i faced there "the address its super hard to find"

  • Анастасия Жуковская

    Анастасия Жуковская


    That's definitely the worst hotel I ever stayed in my life! First of all, it's quite complicated to find it, second it's dirty as hell, third and the most weird - we had a room on a second floor, and right under our window was a dead kitten body, not fresh at all! DISGUSTING! NEWER STAY THERE!

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