Art Hotel Downtown i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanArt Hotel Downtown


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30 King Faisal Street, Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 463 8900
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Latitude: 31.9523378, Longitude: 35.9324333

kommentar 5

  • en



    No Wi-Fi, hair in my bed, pillows and all over the bathroom at check in, the towels were literally in shreds and haven't been replaced in years including the greying in color, there were fruit flies all throughout the room and bathroom, very noisy because traffic honks right outside the window all night, the breakfast offered is a joke, staff does not care about helping at all and the showers change between hot and cold all by themselves. Only plus would be the location is central to many things.

  • en

    Alistair Urie


    Reasonably priced and ideally located hotel in downtown area. Helpful desk staff. Will be even better when the roof top area reopens

  • Steve P

    Steve P


    Nice, clean hotel. Nice room w ac. The breakfast buffet was not professionally presented.lack of glassware, plates, bowls, seems like no one was expecting people to use these items as the morning progressed.

  • Joanna Chwastowska

    Joanna Chwastowska


    Very nice hotel. Clean and with perfect location. Very helpful staff. When booking ask for a room not facing the main street as it may be loud.

  • Subhashish Chattopadhyay

    Subhashish Chattopadhyay


    Water leaked into the room from Bathroom. From evening onward till dawn only one man is there in the Hotel for reception + room service + whatever. Though the charge of the Hotel is very high, the quality of service is not as per that high. Art Hotel Amman has the heaviest Keyring of the world. So does it ensure that guests deposit the keys in the counter as they go out ?

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