Gallery Guest House i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanGallery Guest House


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Al Abdali, Amman, Jordanien
kontakter telefon: +962
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Latitude: 31.953367, Longitude: 35.9297464

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tettje Halbertsma


    Lovely boutique hotel with friendly staff and a nice roof terrace overlooking Amman. Although it is right in the middle of downtown Amman, it is quiet and peaceful as the guest house is located in a side street. Rooms are a bit on the small side compared to the pictures (not a big problem on a city trip, but still)

  • anabel serrano

    anabel serrano


    Me encanto! Excelente atención.. muy buenas instalaciones.. buena ubicación. Fue perfecto!

  • en

    Aimee Wolf


    It's a nice place with a comfortable bed. We were very underwhelmed with the 9/10 score on booking and had unexpected taxes on our price. The bed was comfortable and the room was nice. Breakfast was okay, and looked better than it tasted. The main let down was the bathroom as our toilet had urine drops on it and quite a few short curly hairs... The shower had good pressure and a good temp but the shower head pointed up to high at the wall and you had to hold it.

  • Khaleel Mughrabi

    Khaleel Mughrabi


    مكان جميل ورائع خدمات متميزة إدارة رائعة

  • pl

    Dariusz Fnal


    Hotel godny polecenia.Czysto ładnie ,obsługa posługuje się angielskim językiem.Jedyny mankament T że hotel nie znajduje się W centrum.

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