Ameer Alsharq Hotel i Amman

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JordanAmeer Alsharq Hotel


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Al-Hashemi Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 8733 6337
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Latitude: 31.9532523, Longitude: 35.9405948

kommentar 5

  • elèna deufemia

    elèna deufemia


    The place is quite dirty. The rooms carpet hasn''t been cleaned for ages, the bathroom is very old (with rust everywhere) and there is neither a shower curtain, thus when you take a shower the whole bathroom will be flooded. Besides this (in the hotel there were actually banner claiming that the place was under restoration, so lets hope that the reason for such a filthiness was this) the location is amazing very central (with a view on the Roman Theater) and very close to the city center. The owner is a very nice person very useful, always keen to help and full of resources.

  • Salah Ad Din Sarhan

    Salah Ad Din Sarhan


    This is not a hotel. This is a funhouse. Very laidback relaxed atmosphere without the usual formalities of breakfast time or particular checkout time. The guys at the reception Ken & Osama are very helpful and extremely easy to communicate with and are so very knowledgeable and helpful. Place is getting remodeled and has all new beding. Wifi is free and breakfast on the roof is an amazing experience overlooking the Roman Theater. Centrally located within walking distance of many attractions. Tours to all landmarks in Jordan are offered at very competative rates. I highly recomend this place.... :)

  • Lennart Hofman

    Lennart Hofman


    Problably the best you can get if youre on i tight budget. Clean rooms, good breakfast and nice staff. Roof terrace has view on roman theater

  • Salahaldeen Sarhan

    Salahaldeen Sarhan


    Great location. Strong wifi. Clean rooms very hospitable host and great staff.

  • Yoga Forever

    Yoga Forever


    Breakfast on the roof !!!!!!!! Stayed there one night , it was a very short stay but the host Osama makes you feel you short changed yourself for not staying longer.... the place is no five star but Osama sure makes you think its a six star hotel. His hospitality of this nice clean place across from the Roman Theater which is also a walking distance from the Citadel in center city of Amman, near the old market and most of what you would like to see in Amman before you branch out your touring of Jordan. He can help and guide you everywhere in the city and the country. It was a pleasure to have had breakfast on the roof, amazing setting and view.....Go There

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