Sekrab i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Rainbow Street, Amman, JO Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9173 5722
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Latitude: 31.9495211, Longitude: 35.9310118

kommentar 5

  • John van Bockxmeer

    John van Bockxmeer


    Enjoyable automotive themed bar with rooftop terrace and friendly staff. Beers are 6.5jod and burgers approximately 10jod. Tip and tax extra, an enjoyable place to spend a chilled evening.

  • Basem Aboarshed

    Basem Aboarshed


    Its cool place I like the roof good service and cool staff

  • Lubna Khader

    Lubna Khader


    nice decoration and all but unfortunately the owner tried to rip off my friends who were visiting Jordan for the first time, claiming that an amman pint is half one but for the price of a pint! it's shameful to rip tourists off like this. specially when they tell u that they loved everything about Jordan except for their experience in this pub :(

  • Tamer Musharbash

    Tamer Musharbash


    For us it was not a pleasant experience. The princes are over the top .They have offers for drinks but when you ask for the offer they give you 2 different explanation and in the end nothing. The place is empty and not a good atmosphere.

  • en

    Edward Maidment


    Love this place. Rooftop is awesome in great weather. Decor like you've never seen before. Views to amaze anyone and good food and drinks.

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