Bonita Inn, Restaurant & Tapas Bar i Amman

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JordanBonita Inn, Restaurant & Tapas Bar



🕗 åbningstider

Qas bin Sa3eda, Amman, Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9645 0135
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9530848, Longitude: 35.9115715

kommentar 5

  • Ashraf Arja

    Ashraf Arja


    One of the nicest restaurant in Amman that still has its own charm, food is very good and tasty, Still maintian it's quality 😁

  • Ru'a S.

    Ru'a S.


    Lovely place. Small and very cozy. They have good food, but their service can be quite slow sometimes.

  • Lara Haddadin

    Lara Haddadin


    The setting outside is very relaxing. A very prestigious atmosphere in the heart of old Amman. The food is amazing and the selection of wine is not bad. Value for money is a bit high.

  • FV 42O2

    FV 42O2


    Waiters bad attitude, Cheating invoice, No reason to visit this far old area restaurant. I visit here yesterday and today. Yesterday they cheated with +1 bottle wine in the invoice. Today they cheated with different price of wine. I complained and the waiter say "Just two JD gap, No issue" Really disappointed with this UNQUALIFIED WAITERS. Everyone review has good scores, but guys plz check ur invoice before u pay. Then u will see the reality.

  • it

    Antonio Strazzullo


    Ristorante di ispirazione spagnola. A pochi passi dalla 3a rotatoria (3rd circle) circondato da una serie di ristoranti tutti di buon livello. Graziosi gli interni, in stile pub, ma soprattutto gradevolissimo il giardino esterno, arredato con tavoli massicci circondati da piante. Buoni i sapori e la qualità dei prodotti usati in cucina. Buona scelta di birre alla spina e qualche vini (anche al bicchiere).

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