café de Paris i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Jordancafé de Paris



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Jabal Weibdeh Paris Circle، Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9189 1678
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9453666, Longitude: 35.9283716

kommentar 5

  • brad zatar

    brad zatar


    Croudy old and silly pub for parties and makeouts

  • Omar Abdelhaq

    Omar Abdelhaq


    Used to be better, with 90s and 80s music. Now it's just a weird atmosphere, lukewarm taste in music, and not that awesome collection on menu. I personally think it lost its old touch.

  • en

    naila Nasr


    Very nice place for a Pub & Restaurant. Friendly atmosphere, good food. Jebel Weibdeh, Paris Circle.

  • khaled Zee

    khaled Zee


    It's a nice place been there many times, it was really nice, until they started mixing their alcohol with water.

  • Alex George

    Alex George


    It was Thursday night and we were told that there is a party and we must have a reservation! (they told my local friend and he translated it to me in English) Well, unless it is a private party in which case we need an invitation to enter, this is the first time I see a bar asking for a reservation. I'm not sure how things are going on here but from where I come Pub / Bar is a place where people go to drink and talk with friends or make new friendships.

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