The Corner's Pub de Amman

JordanieThe Corner's Pub



🕗 horaire

12, Ibrahim Al Muwaylehi St, Amman, JO Jordanien
contact téléphone: +962 7 9587 7970
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9521199, Longitude: 35.9181613

commentaires 5

  • Moutaz Jwiehan

    Moutaz Jwiehan


    Great place for drinks and food plus local and talents as they host open Mic and local bands , there is a very good happy hour as well , the staff is great as well

  • Joshua Novak

    Joshua Novak


    This place is an expat/local favorite. Always busy on the weekends, this venue brings in good drinks and great local and regional bands to play frequently. There is also a pretty good food menu as well. Good for groups of friends as well.

  • en

    Eoin Hanley


    Good crowd, good music, food is fine. Worth a visit if you're looking for something more western in Amman and don't want to go to an Irish or British pub

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    Rima Sader


    This place is very chilled, they have bands from time to time! They have happy hour you can enjoy after work also the outer area is nice! I like to sit outside and enjoy a glass of wine!

  • Majeed Al-Malki

    Majeed Al-Malki


    Great vibe.. Great service.. very casual and hommie.. Ask for Mais whenever you visit she is super friendly and great host.. they keep hosting unique events like open Mic cartoon night and invite a lot of bands.. amazing place..

Bar la plus proche

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