Maestro Pub de Amman

JordanieMaestro Pub



🕗 horaire

52, Al-Baouneyah Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 8880 0550
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9582605, Longitude: 35.9214759

commentaires 5

  • Vero Jem

    Vero Jem


    Nice bar with reasonably priced food and snacks. It gets smokey there in the evening. Staff was extremely attentive and pleasant. Nice big salads.

  • Joshua Novak

    Joshua Novak


    Great place for great live music, drinks (alchoholic) and food. Been there multiple times and always a good experience. If going for music plan on a cover charge and reserving a seat. It gets crowded fast. Also there is indoor smoking.

  • Ashraf Arja

    Ashraf Arja


    Nice place to hang out with groups, but believe in summer time at the terrace will be nicer

  • en



    Good vibe. Reasonable prices and some great gigs

  • bpacaci



    One of the most preferable place in town Amman for live music. Jazz music, authentic music, quality music... Food is decent and affordable. The only bad thing is they allow smoking inside therefore you smell bad and you are a passive smoker.

Bar la plus proche

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