After Eight de Amman

JordanieAfter Eight



🕗 horaire

90, Taher Al Juqqah street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.94923, Longitude: 35.9229883

commentaires 5

  • en



    Small cozy bar, that is good for a small group of people (not more than 4 people), the prices are reasonable, with a friendly staff, the place doesn't offer a food menu, but since its only for small hangouts then having two or three drinks is fine.

  • Ammar Hammoudeh

    Ammar Hammoudeh


    Cosy and quiet place ! Perfect for a quiet time and small hangouts

  • Basem Aboarshed

    Basem Aboarshed


    Good place and very quiet here

  • Huthaifa Awwad

    Huthaifa Awwad



  • en

    Ramez Quawas


    Best bar ever cozy and friendly just love it

Bar la plus proche

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