Amigo Pub de Amman

JordanieAmigo Pub



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Al-Imam Malek St. 9، 1st Circle، Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 463 3001
site web:
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Latitude: 31.949238, Longitude: 35.922999

commentaires 5

  • Areej Altaamare

    Areej Altaamare


    Friendly staff, cozy atmosphere and amazing nachos Pretty good offers as well

  • zaid shawahin

    zaid shawahin


    Not a big fan of their every night is a girls night policy, basically, if you are a girl you can order whatever drink you want and you'll get the second for free, at any time, at any day of the week, on the other hand, if you're a guy, you'd be lucky enough to be let in. The place itself is good for friends gathering, price-wise, its really like most pubs in Amman, the vibe of the place is cool and the lightning is nice, but I wouldn't go there as a first choice.

  • en

    kamel asali


    Very good bar, good service, however it was too crowded for a 5/5

  • Haidar Sweiss

    Haidar Sweiss


    It's a good cozy pub. Where people r friendly worker and guest.

  • Joanna Haddadin

    Joanna Haddadin


    One of the oldest and most amazing pubs in Jordan! Lovely offers and events.. great food and drink and great music in the background.. and you can NOT come here without trying the famous Amigo Nachos.. it is literally thebest comfort food you can have anywhere!! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! If you are in Amman.. this pub is where you should go at night.

Bar la plus proche

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