Snug Pub de Amman

JordanieSnug Pub



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Cairo Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 7084 0000
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.948192, Longitude: 35.893735

commentaires 5

  • en

    Saad Noaman


    Small and cozy pup... offering good selection of food. I tried a selection of appetizers and was good. My kids tried sliders and steak sandwich and they gave two thumbs up.

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    Great small place hidden in abdoun circle, the service is good, friendly staff, with great prices for really good food and drinks.

  • Anastasia Ivanovskaya

    Anastasia Ivanovskaya


    Like this new place, a nice option to go with your friends after a long day at work. Snug nachos are excellent, platters are big and fresh, great staff.

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    Kevin Cosgrove


    A real little gem. Tucked away in its own little corner of Abdoun circle. The food is delicious and the service is warm. The prices are what you'd expect for a bar in Jordan but still highly competitive for Abdoun.

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    Yamen Halassa


    A nice neighbourhood bar great for meeting friends and have a good conversation. The setting is pretty nice and comfy. Good to such a place in Abdoun

Bar la plus proche

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