Good Pub de Amman

JordanieGood Pub



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Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9023 0230
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9399441, Longitude: 35.8845854

commentaires 5

  • en

    Moe El Zubi


    Do not piss off the Manager LOL

  • en

    Nicolas Kb


    Stinky place full of smoke , horrible tasting food... We went as group 2 Guys and 3 girls.. Never seen an uglier over crowded place ! How can the management chose who can come in and who cannot based on their' own revealing level' while they are not being selective in their own level of service , or anything in the place it self ! the bad attitude of the management makes so many people don't even want to go back and go else where that is really good ! I do not recommend this place at all and mistakes on the final bill! Low

  • Ra'ed Mushahwar

    Ra'ed Mushahwar


    Lovely food and great atmosphere

  • Hady Kayed

    Hady Kayed


    Good food. Good staff. Serine ambiance and it so bad price wise.

  • Anton Dababneh

    Anton Dababneh


    Liveliest place in Amman! Great vibe. Great service. Might have some difficult at the door if you are a group of all guys, but otherwise great place. Enjoy!

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