Pit Stop JO de Amman

JordaniePit Stop JO



🕗 horaire

Samih Al-Shoumali Street, Amman, JO ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 7988 8333
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9510899, Longitude: 35.8513869

commentaires 5

  • Rami Ghrayeb

    Rami Ghrayeb


    The place to spend the night in Amman, nice atmosphere, good service, variety of events and moods.

  • en

    Bashar Amad


    Happening place with good bar food and nice music.

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    Saad Noaman


    Great place for night out. Food is great, crowd is nice, music is amazing. Live music usually on weekends. Service is very good and prices are ok. Highly recomended for groups, but reservation is required.

  • Yazan Bustami

    Yazan Bustami


    Nice place to spend a great night, there was live band and live music, service is little bit slow, fair prices.

  • Mutasem S

    Mutasem S


    The ambience is fine ... Don't go over there with an empty stomach

Bar la plus proche

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