Off the Record de Amman

JordanieOff the Record


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Zahran, Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 7840 5888
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9666265, Longitude: 35.8749915

commentaires 5

  • Richard Cerpa

    Richard Cerpa


    Best bar in Amman, not much for food choices but most of it is very good

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    Jason Forauer


    Cool place with a cool vibe.

  • Alasdair Eccles

    Alasdair Eccles


    Tucked away, a refreshing change from the local “Irish” bars and pubs - friendly staff and drinks at reasonable prices for Amman! 10/10 will drink here again.

  • Alisha Holdbrook

    Alisha Holdbrook


    I loved the atmosphere and the drinks were decently priced and tasted good. My one qualm was with the service; bartender told us it was last call (12:20), but they closed at 1. Then 15 minutes later a group of men came in and the bartender served them. Very unfair. Menu looked delicious and unique but the kitchen was closed when we got there.

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    Kilo 26


    Amazing speakeasy style bar with exceptional food. There's nothing like it in Amman, it has such a hip 1930 prohibition style feel to it with great house cocktails. A must see if you can get in!

Bar la plus proche

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