Jasmine House i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanJasmine House



🕗 åbningstider

Al-Baouneyah Street, Amman, JO Иордания
kontakter telefon: +962 6 461 1879
internet side: www.fb.com
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Latitude: 31.9572625, Longitude: 35.9241104

kommentar 5

  • Shaden Zarraq

    Shaden Zarraq


    It's a photogenic and artistic place👌 I took this photo 3 weeks ago at Jasmine house.

  • en

    Sunny Boy


    amazing venue. starters incredible. mains decent but limited choice and no pork on the menu! you bring your own bottle and the outdoors seating in the summer is amazing

  • karim samawi

    karim samawi


    Cozy old house transferred to an Italian restaurant. Located in alweibdeh neighbourhood in old amman were locals are famous for being artistic and easy going.

  • Khalid Risheq

    Khalid Risheq


    It took 2 hours for our order to be served (they said there will be a slight delay, if you count 2 hours as slight) in addition to the Manager (some arrogant Italian guy sitting on the staircase watching) was non apologetic "we have special guests" he says in a confrontational tone to the customer that paid him to keep his job. For sure there is no reason what so ever to visit this institution again. The food came in bits and pieces and on top of that was cold! The atmosphere as well was nothing special.

  • Craig Tucker

    Craig Tucker


    I love this place. One of the best restaurants in Amman. Tasty, simple, fresh food. You can also take your own wine.

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