Fann Wa Chai فن وشاي i Amman

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JordanFann Wa Chai فن وشاي



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25, Kullyet Al Sharea St, Amman, JO Иордания
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9808 2004
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.95629, Longitude: 35.924424

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maen doc


    A fine place for a cup of tea, the service was mediocre , not crowded at noon, the balcony was nice, prices are not high.

  • en

    Amber Montgomery


    I'd heard a lot about this place and how beloved it is before I tried it. There was lots of room and tables, the atmosphere was nice and the staff very friendly. However, on the day I went they had no coffee or espresso drinks and when I asked the barista if they had karak tea, he said yes but really just gave me flavorless black tea with milk in it. A disappointing experience.

  • en

    Ali Nobani


    If you are in Al Weibdeh and are looking for a spot to grab some tea, Fen wa Chai is a great place to go. The tea is really good and they have some tasty desserts to pair with your tea selection. The place isn't overly load so you can have a nice conversation or just sit back and relax while you are sipping on your drink. Next time you are in the area you should definitely stop by for a nice cup of tea.

  • Anwr Odeh

    Anwr Odeh


    A great place to write or work... Cozy and calm...prices are above the average of the area... They have different types of sandwiches... What I love the most in this place that it's an art gallery and how it changes decoration by changing the art on the walls.

  • Rashed AL-Rababah

    Rashed AL-Rababah


    مكان رومنسي....... ديكور بسيط......... جميل جدا مكان متواضع وتراثي يذكرنا بالماضي الجميل مكان نظيف واسعاره مناسبه في متناول الجميع مكان رومنسي....... ديكور بسيط......... جميل جدا مكان متواضع وتراثي يذكرنا بالماضي الجميل مكان نظيف واسعاره مناسبه في متناول الجميع

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