The Olive Branch Hotel de Jerash

JordanieThe Olive Branch Hotel


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Guzn Azzaytoon Rd. Off of Jerash- Ajloun Rd, Jerash, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 2 634 0555
site web:
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Latitude: 32.2961464, Longitude: 35.8550266

commentaires 5




    Very unique postion for this hotel , not 5 sates but gives you what you need and the place it self is very satisfying!

  • ar

    عيد الجعيثن


    فندق جميل جداً ، يقع في اقصى جبال جرش خدمة رائعة جداً اطلالة اكثر من رائعة منطقة تتسم بالخصوصية والهدوء

  • Joanna Chwastowska

    Joanna Chwastowska


    Very nice place. Super quiet! Beautifully located at the top of the hill, with magnificent view of the city. Staff is very kind and helpful. Parking available.

  • en

    Rob Dickinson


    Very nice room and rural location. Very quiet when we were there but I suspect that peak season it may be a bit more lively.

  • Suraj Kaldate

    Suraj Kaldate


    Staff is polite and has good information for the tourism. Food is awesome in here. Jerash city view is magnificent. Rooms are clean and service from staff is great.

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