Qalet Al Jabal Hotel de Ajloun

JordanieQalet Al Jabal Hotel


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Ajloun, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
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Latitude: 32.3310014, Longitude: 35.7379742

commentaires 5

  • Khaled ok

    Khaled ok



  • Mohammed Alyami

    Mohammed Alyami


    من اسواء الفنادق الاثاث قديم وكل شي قديم ولا يسمى فندق

  • sohail abbassi

    sohail abbassi


    The only hotel in Ajlon , at the road of Ajlon Castle. The location is more than perfect and the view is marvelous. The service is not bad, you can have shesha and enjoy a nice meal and the view. It's also good for engagement partys and wedding too.

  • en

    A Hssine symp


    I had a lunch there. It was quiet and proper. They have local food and drink with a panoramic view of the city and the castle.

  • en



    Great view, nice terrace. But worn out rooms, and pretty dirty premises. Too bad, it's one of the top location in Jordan, they could make something great out of it and attract tourism. Ajloun has wonderful surroundings and a beautiful historic cattle. It would be very nice for tourists to spend one or two nights if the hotel was better.

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