Rose Farm Amman de Amman

JordanieRose Farm Amman



🕗 horaire

Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jerash Highway, Amman, Rihab Sub-District, JO ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 7765 1136
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.2573119, Longitude: 35.9626121

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Ibrahim Shadid


    المزرعة جيدة جدا.. مناسبة ل 10-20 شخص بالحد الأعلى... مرافقها جيدة جدا... تحتاج الى قليل من الترتيب فقط..وجهاز قاتل للحشرات ألعاب للأطفال.. مسبح.. زرب.. شواء.. ترس.. اطلالة جميلة

  • Saad Al otaibi

    Saad Al otaibi


    انصح بالسكن بالفيلا والمزرعه شي خيال كا اطلاله وخصوصيه كل الاحترام لصاحب المزرعه واللي يشتغل فيها SAAD AL OTAIBI Kuwait

  • en

    Shosh Alfaris


    😍😍 beautiful farm

  • Yahya Ghanim

    Yahya Ghanim


    Positive: great location. Great view. Air-conditioned. Privacy Negative: bees and flies everywhere. Dirt swimming pool. Low level of cleaning standards I value the view and the privacy I had. The place had almost everything needed to enjoy the day. Although it was a hot day, it was pleasing to know there's an AC inside the house. What spoiled having an AC is the number of flies who had the same need for cooling down. One main attraction for us is the private swimming pool. It seems chlorophyll was add many times without changing water to the extent that I could barely see the bottom of the pool. Toilet papers were floating in the water. Finally the Watchmen. Initially he was still cleaning when we arrived and it took him almost half an hour to finish. He blamed me for not calling him before arriving, although all arrangements were made with a different person. At the end of my time, the Watchmen tried to convince me that he's the one who leases the farm and he spared me the deposit amount. I guess he wanted a bigger tip. If the owners of the farm managed to improve cleanness in the house and swimming pool, it could be a great place to escape with the family.

  • Basem Aboarshed

    Basem Aboarshed


    The location of the farm is very nice and the villa also good ... swimming pool is a bit small ...

Lodging la plus proche

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