TCHE TCHE Cafe de Amman

JordanieTCHE TCHE Cafe



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Makka Al Mokarrama Street, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 551 1406
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9758557, Longitude: 35.8619076

commentaires 5

  • en

    Mohammad Kataw


    Tche Tche cafe on Mecca Street in Amman is a great place for a group gathering, it has a wide range of snacks, desserts, and drinks. In addition, its a great place for watching live sports for minimul fees.

  • Haitham ALTaweel

    Haitham ALTaweel


    Very good Cafe, nice and quiet with good food dishes and drinks. Usually not crowded except when there is football matches. There is parking in the front area but with valet service the area out without valet service. The staff are welcomed and polite and friendly. They have different menue dishes and drinks and shisha. It is not a good place for kids because of smoke and shisha.

  • Ammar Khwaira

    Ammar Khwaira


    great shisha especially 2 apples, food is excellent. i love chicken breast sandwich.

  • en

    mohammed nader


    Nice and quite cafe, they have a good menu with wide range of choices, service is good and prices are reasonable. Two bad points car parking is small and hard to find a place for your car if there is rushing in the cafe and the resturants around, second point is the ventilation system in the cafe need to be improved.

  • aayesha que

    aayesha que


    Nice place but very expensive, I think only shisha lovers will enjoy this place. This cafe has special screen for the sport lovers so guys can gather and watch their favorite sports with shisha, I don’t recommend this place as a family place, this cafe is good to be with friends, food is not bad but way too expensive. They need to change their sofas it’s cracked and burnt, but cafe is clean

Café la plus proche

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