Puna Kaife de עמאן

JordaniePuna Kaife


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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9766642, Longitude: 35.8630915

commentaires 5

  • en

    Hussein Khalifeh


    I came over this café many times, I liked the decoration that reflects the good taste, but each time there was a different issue, like how the stuff is untrained, it's hard to reserve 'cause the phone is actually always with the owner, last time one of the stuff told me to leave the café 'cause onther client was reserved my table, as he said... Service however is so so weak , I don't recommend it to any one, hope it gets better in the future.

  • Amer Mekdad

    Amer Mekdad


    Nice place with kind staff. Big space between tables, calm music, delicious Espresso. Enjoyed everything in this place.

  • en

    Lina Bashqoy


    its a very nice place to go to we ordered shisha and its very good and the organic juice which is called setrous has a very very good taste

  • en

    Erass Majdoubeh


    Great service, great atmosphere, delicious food. Definitely one of the best cafes in Amman.

  • en

    Ayah al-hunaity


    There is no words to describe how fabulous this cafe and resturant is! The food, presentation, and taste are spot on! There are some board games in this cafe too. Definitely recommend this place!!

Café la plus proche

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