Alia Restsurant مطعم عالية المركزي مجمع جبر de Amman

JordanieAlia Restsurant مطعم عالية المركزي مجمع جبر



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Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 585 6100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9752635, Longitude: 35.8532951

commentaires 5

  • Lour Rabieh

    Lour Rabieh


    Location: its in jaber complex near the 7th Circle Ambiance: it's a family restaurant it's not a quick bite restaurant you can sit upstairs and eat in a dining table it's not that fancy other branches are more upscale than this branch Service: there's table service and there's a waited downstairs for takeaways that takes your order and then you pay for it they are all super nice. Price: $$$ it's not that expensive but still not cheap, you would pay for the least meal 4.5 JD's but they have other non costy menu like shawerma and pastries "moajanat and manakeesh" Hygiene: its super clean and the employees have clean hands and uniforms Food: you can find Arabic traditional dishes and also grilled chicken and barbecues Shawarma and pastries.

  • Mamoun Zater

    Mamoun Zater


    مطعم عاليه المركزي مستوى الخدمه متوسطه ومستوى الطعام جيد وكما يقدم تشكيله كبيره من الاكلات الشرقيه والغربيه

  • Moutaz Jwiehan

    Moutaz Jwiehan


    Fast food Arabic style food,plus they have local food

  • Umar Al-Kfaween

    Umar Al-Kfaween


    No smoke-free areas, but food is good, and you will not wait for a long time to get your food.

  • Dirar Mousa

    Dirar Mousa


    كاشير كان قليل حيا ... رفض يبدل بيبسي مع عصير برتقال ... طز بهيك مطعم

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