Milieu Cafe & Restaurant de Amman

JordanieMilieu Cafe & Restaurant


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

11, Street Zhr, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9889 2428
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.976451, Longitude: 35.863328

commentaires 5

  • Mervat Nawfal

    Mervat Nawfal


    مكان هادئ و مريح و رائع

  • Rozanne Farah

    Rozanne Farah


    i love this place, the pizza there is my favorite in Amman, its amazing! and the service is always great

  • en

    Moasis Diab


    Very expensive on a mediocre product Couldn't watch the real Madrid game as one of the employees happens to be a petty Barcelona fan and didn't want to put the game on.. Tables are very crowded and you are always watching out for the argyle coals not falling when someone moves.. Bottom line..Jordan is cluttered with coffee shops.. not worth ruining your evening over there.. bad experience overall

  • mounir Q

    mounir Q


    Perfect place, good service, quiet and clean area..

  • abdullah quran

    abdullah quran


    Nice place , good offers.

Café la plus proche

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