Imperial Palace Hotel de Amman

JordanieImperial Palace Hotel


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Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 565 1333
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.956878, Longitude: 35.893654

commentaires 5

  • en

    Castro Abughayada


    Avoid this hotel. We paid about $120 for one night. Old furniture, broken toilette that doesn't flush... location is about the only pro.

  • Swapna Nair

    Swapna Nair


    Not worth the money and name. Will not recommend at all. Kindly avoid.

  • Mark and Kirsten Carter

    Mark and Kirsten Carter


    Good price but we were surprised to find they have no baby cribs available!

  • Philip Alhuroub

    Philip Alhuroub


    The hotel is nice, but don't even think to go to the night club in the B floor.

  • Visakhananda S

    Visakhananda S


    Centrally located in Amman.. this is a cozy hotel with great food and ambience. Housekeeping could improve a little with provision of amenities like a working iron. The thermostat in the room was cumbersome to handle. The view from the room was awesome!!

Lodging la plus proche

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