Ramada Hotel And Suites Amman de Amman

JordanieRamada Hotel And Suites Amman


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Abdallah Bin Omar Street, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 560 7114
site web: ammanramada.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9630719, Longitude: 35.8915991

commentaires 5

  • Osama Zaina

    Osama Zaina


    The name of the hotel has been changed from Ramada, to Mena Tyche hotel.

  • Marwan Shwaihat

    Marwan Shwaihat


    The name of the hotel now is MENA Hotels & Resorts (4 stars hotel). This hotel is located opposite to orthodox high school. No groceries around and hotel serves alcohol drink.

  • en

    avi richa


    Ease of check in. Although facility needs renovation with bath tub plugs installed.

  • Scott Cook

    Scott Cook


    Had a lovely stay here its very nice

  • Omar Biltaji

    Omar Biltaji


    One of Amman’s nice 4 star hotels.

Lodging la plus proche

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