Landmark Amman Hotel and Conference Center de عمّان

JordanieLandmark Amman Hotel and Conference Center



🕗 horaire

Al Shareef Hussein St, عمّان, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 560 7100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9604, Longitude: 35.9042

commentaires 5

  • en

    Saud Alharbi


    Friendly staff, however, be aware that this hotel has construction work going on inside and it might be there for a month and half. It can get very loud in the morning.

  • jhoann annjho

    jhoann annjho


    Got our most embarrassing memories tonight with my life partner and I love the place it's so nice.. 😍

  • Lara Amro

    Lara Amro


    Amazing food super professional and friendly staff. Super luxurious and practical, it's just convenient for conferences and business meetings

  • Sonny J

    Sonny J


    Hotel is nice and clean. Good customer service. Not that modern nor fancy.

  • Ziad Abdullah

    Ziad Abdullah


    Excellent hotel to stay or even for conferences. Very friendly staff. Good security measures. Variety of restaurants offering delicious and tasty foods. Very good and large halls equipped for wedding parties and different conferences and business forums. There a need to more control smoking areas.

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