Haleem Zaman de Amman

JordanieHaleem Zaman


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9740716, Longitude: 35.8667072

commentaires 5

  • en

    wesam El-Ekrimawi


    Try the vigi pizza and zatar manaqesh along with tea with fresh mint ... very nice for early breakfast

  • Mouammar I. AlHadidi

    Mouammar I. AlHadidi


    For me, this is one of the worst cafes I have ever been to. No way to park your car... Food and drinks are not up to my expectations. Chairs are really uncomfortable. I do think recommend this place at all.

  • Radwan Galgai

    Radwan Galgai


    Good, But, prices is little bit over according to other similar coffees.

  • The Knight

    The Knight


    Stuffed, TV volume turned very high for no apparent reason, very poor service on top of it being OVERPRICED for offering nothing special. In fact the hot drinks I had we're less than ordinary.

  • en

    Baseer Shraim


    Nice ambiance, traditional arabic style, medium price, parking is an issue

Café la plus proche

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