Doors Cafe Mecca Street de עמאן

JordanieDoors Cafe Mecca Street



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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9759 8982
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9761913, Longitude: 35.8609655

commentaires 5

  • مثلث برمودا

    مثلث برمودا


    رائع بمعنى الكلمه اجواء رومنسيه خدمه مميزه تنوع القائمة موسيقى جلسات مرتبه ونظيفه هدوووووووووووووووء للمحبين

  • ayman Abu Khalifa

    ayman Abu Khalifa


    Nice place, Good for meeting friends or celebrating a birthday. Good menu with lots and lots of options, they serve both food and drinks. You can pay with credit card. And it is very expensive.

  • en

    nehaya sbitany


    Cosy place, Suitable for smokers, fair priceses

  • Muhammad Abu Awad

    Muhammad Abu Awad


    Responsible prices but they seriously should look again for quality of shisha they deserve

  • Saif Qreis

    Saif Qreis


    This place is has the worst customer service, a cover charge per person, and the food/drinks are just not good. It’s very huge and has awkwardly high ceiling! Very crowded and very loud.

Café la plus proche

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