Fluffy Coffee bar & Donuts de Amman

JordanieFluffy Coffee bar & Donuts



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Wasfi al Tall St، Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 7070 7459
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9962624, Longitude: 35.8370374

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rama Z


    Coffee is SUPER AMAZING, they have a lot of unique flavors for donuts, I really recommend hazelnut latte

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    I went there 2 weeks ago, and I ordered 8 donuts. What strikes me the most is the creative options they have. Pistachio, Lotus and Nutella were one of the best I have ever tried. The staff are helpful and the atmosphere is quite overall. They have an offer that you get 2 free when buying 6 donuts. The prices are average, and the service is quick. Donuts range from 1 to 2 JODs depending on the filling. They have creatively filled donuts and classics as well.

  • ar

    Raid Altamimi


    المحل جميل من الداخل و الدونات لا يعلا عليها من افضل الدونات في الأردن...يستحق التجربة

  • en

    Rana Farah


    The coffee is great I love their iced Americano. The speciality donuts are good. My favorite being the red velvet. My eldest likes their eclairs& blueberry filled onees. My youngest that is a big fan of classic glazed donuts found their dough to be on the oily side and the glaze too thick & sweet. The donuts in general seem to be slightly over-iced a bit on the sweet side. If you are a fan of Krispy Kreme style donuts you ll like Fluffy's speciality donuts.

  • en

    Mohammad Saffarini


    I've been waiting for years to see a respectful Donuts Shop open in Jordan! And finally comes the saviour! I went there as soon as i saw it and orderd almost every dount there to try them. First was the Glazed Donut (the classic for me) ... the dough really fluffy not oily at all and great taste and amazing glazed sugar! Next was the Red velvet... Oh my god! 😍 Im still trying the others, will update once I have the final recommendation. The staff is very friendly also :D

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