Sheeshalicious Restaurant & Cafe de Amman

JordanieSheeshalicious Restaurant & Cafe



🕗 horaire

Tla al-Ali, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 8066 6222
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.997313, Longitude: 35.8409781

commentaires 5

  • en

    Tamara Awad


    The best cafe ever😍

  • Fares Adayleh

    Fares Adayleh


    خدمة سريعة و مكان جيد، و يتوفر مواقف للسيارات أسفل المبنى، الارجيلة جيده أيضاً ترتيب المحل و عدد الطاولات و رائحة المحل من الممكن ان تكون أفضل من ذلك الاسعار بحاجة للمراجعة أيضاً

  • zaid shawahin

    zaid shawahin


    For a casual cafe like this prices were a bit expansive comparing to what I am getting. Staff is very friendly, bathrooms were horrible and menu is on ipads but had a very bad experience. I wouldn't have this place as a first, second or third suggestion when going out to hangout.

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    I hate their “minimum one order per person” even if there were 10 people on one table, especially that each person has to pay for the water bottle without ordering it. The ladies bathroom is very dirty! Air humidifiers should be installed. But other than that the staff are good and helpful, their menus are out of the ordinary.

  • en

    Rain bow


    One of the best cafes in town. A very friendly staff. Their shisha is good.. their food is not

Café la plus proche

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