The Backyard Coffe and Dough de Amman

JordanieThe Backyard Coffe and Dough



🕗 horaire

Sweileh, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 541 3161
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9955156, Longitude: 35.829994

commentaires 5

  • en

    Shankar Krishnan


    Good coffee and ambience. Far better coffee than some other established cafes in town. Easy to miss it while driving but next time you are around Khalda circle, do pop in.

  • Marwan Style

    Marwan Style


    great view and comfort couches in the 2nd floor, but the smoke really annoying !! coconut hot chocolate is not that great! staff is really friendly 🙂

  • Mohamad Qudah

    Mohamad Qudah


    You can describe it as that calm place you'd want to go to whenever you need some peace of mind. Don't forget to check the backyard though!

  • en

    Nesreen Sada


    Great place to have coffee. The staff were very friendly and i loved the ambiance of the place. It was quite and good for work or studying. Also the deserts are without added sugar.

  • osama mubiden

    osama mubiden


    Good place to have a cup of coffee, maybe a meeting or study as well

Café la plus proche

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