Al Nada Millennium Hotel Amman de Amman

JordanieAl Nada Millennium Hotel Amman


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7 Illiya Abou Madi Street, Amman 11194, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 500 4500
site web:
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Latitude: 31.966608, Longitude: 35.899597

commentaires 5

  • en

    Hussien Shalan


    Excellent for meetings with good service and polite staff.

  • isasmella456



    This place was great! The rooms were very nice and clean and beautifully decorated. The food was incredible for every meal we had there. So so good!!! The only downside is that they didn't have bandaids... First aid should be a basic necessity provided to guests.

  • s A

    s A


    فندق راقي سكنته اكثر من 4 مرات سرعة الخدمه ، كثرة العاملين ، بشاشة الوجه لدى العاملين ، سرعة الانجاز ، جمال اللوبي وكبر المساحة ، تنوع الفطوووور ، كثرة موظفين صف السيارات ،، تنوع المطاعم ، مكان استراتيجي ، قهوة باللوبي ترحيب بالضيوف والسكان اشكر القائمين على ادارة الفندق

  • en

    Moh Zghoul


    Got very nice room with view.

  • Philippe Jeanty

    Philippe Jeanty


    Nice hotel with good breakfast. They claim 7 stars which is an exaggeration. There is unfortunately no place to escape smokers aside from the breakfast room. The rooms are very much impregnated with tobacco. Friendly staff!

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