The Jordan Museum i Amman

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JordanThe Jordan Museum



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Ali Ben Abi Taleb Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 462 9317
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9453977, Longitude: 35.9266887

kommentar 5

  • Angus Matthew

    Angus Matthew


    A top notch museum. The children's section was outstanding. My boys loved it.

  • motaz



    The Jordan Museum is a comprehensive national museum of history, archeology, and political, social and cultural life in Jordan from the Stone Age to the modern history of Jordan through the rest of the ages. . It was established in 2005 and has a Board of Trustees chaired by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah

  • 卡利玫Mai Channel

    卡利玫Mai Channel


    It's a wonderful place. We had a great time. Deserve more than 5 stars.

  • Barbara Bowling

    Barbara Bowling


    Not what I expected. Very limited, small as compared to other national museums. The draw is the exhibit of the dead sea scrolls, not sure I'd paid 5 dinar if I knew. They do however have decent restrooms. A better choice is the museum at the Citadel.

  • Mitakshara Shirgaonkar

    Mitakshara Shirgaonkar


    A place providing detailed information of history, geography and modern times of Jordan, this museum has made a good use of technology. Visitors are able to get knowledge not just visually, but also through sounds. It also has a feature where people can experience the ancient process of embossing and printing.

nærmeste Museum

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