Taj Cinemas i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanTaj Cinemas


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72, Prince Hashim Bin Al-Hussein Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 592 7555
internet side: www.tajcinemas.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9415099, Longitude: 35.8876432

kommentar 5

  • Zaid Hourani

    Zaid Hourani


    Probably the best cinema in all of jordan. Specifically Taj class is very clean, comfortable and organized. Perfect for a rest and high quality Movie.

  • en

    Andrew Mark


    Its a lovely cinema. But the reason i gave it 4 stars is because you cant take food in with you thats isnt from the ciema.

  • Bashar Khalid

    Bashar Khalid


    If you buy tickets to taj class this will be the best cinema you will find in jordan. Otherwise you should go to abdali cinema.

  • Sazer Tag

    Sazer Tag


    Taj cinemas is a really nice theatre for friends and family that comes with a reasonable price, also containing snacks and drinks as you would like, even though sometimes teenage to adult kids are not allowed to enter the mall, they do sometimes have permission to enter the entrance that leads straight to the cinema.

  • Shorouq Abbadi

    Shorouq Abbadi


    I watched more movies here than I could count. Even though I could name other cinemas for better screen quality, Taj cinemas are considered one of the top 3 for me. Good theaters and seating, and delicious snacks, even though a bit expensive. All in all, it's a good place to watch movies.

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