Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanSheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel



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5th Circle, 11184, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 593 4111
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9606234, Longitude: 35.8801702

kommentar 5

  • André Örtengren

    André Örtengren


    An elegant hotel. Friendly personnel and good quality rooms. Modern gym & spa area. Nice outside pool a couple of floors above street level with poolside service.

  • en

    Mohammad Smadi


    This used to be one of Amman's fancy hotels. It is loosing that title for two reasons: one, many new fancy hotels popped up in Amman. Two, this hotel needs some serious renovations. The staff is still super good and friendly but staff can't make a very old toilet seat turning yellow better. There was rust in the bathtub. The carpets were starting to smell. Fix this hotel up and get it back to its previous glory.

  • en

    James Korponay


    Wonderful accommodations. Extremely helpful, friendly, courteous and professional staff. Great facilities and restaurants. Stayed for a week last summer and again just last week. No complaints, only praises. Will definitely stay here again on our next visit to Jordan from New York. Highly recommended!

  • Nagham Aukra

    Nagham Aukra


    They have the best staff. Extremely accommodating and care about their customers having the best experience staying there. The room was very clean. The gym and spa center is also a must visit.

  • en

    Mustafa Tell


    This used to be one of Amman's fancy hotels. It is loosing that title for two reasons: one, many new fancy hotels popped up in Amman. Two, this hotel needs some serious renovations. The staff is still super good and friendly but staff can't make a very old toilet seat turning yellow better. There was rust in the bathtub. The carpets were starting to smell. Fix this hotel up and get it back to its previous glory.

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