Mushroom Rock i قرية وادي رم

JordanMushroom Rock


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قرية وادي رم، Иордания
kontakter telefon: +962
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Latitude: 29.5180592, Longitude: 35.4935241

kommentar 5

  • ar

    Mahmod gaood


  • es

    Francisco Garcia salo


    Increíble experiencia

  • Amila Chandrasekera

    Amila Chandrasekera


  • es

    Francisco Gs


    Un mundo de relax y aventura

  • en

    Gaetano Capuano


    Usually found in desert areas, these rocks form over thousands of years when wind erosion of an isolated rocky outcrop progresses at a different rate at its bottom to that at its top. Abrasion by wind-borne grains of sand is most prevalent within the first 3 ft of the ground, causing the bases of outcrops to erode more rapidly than their tops. Running water can have the same effect.Occasionally, the chemical composition of the rocks can be an important factor; if the upper part of the rock is more resistant to erosion and weathering, it erodes more slowly than the base. Its formation has also been attributed to chemical weathering at the base of the rock due to the collection of dew near the surface.

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