Mansour Hotel i Amman

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JordanMansour Hotel


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King Faisal Street - Down Town, Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 8879 5875
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9522123, Longitude: 35.9328514

kommentar 5

  • Elif Atilgan

    Elif Atilgan


    Mr. Ali is so good person. It has got good breakfast and location is so good.

  • en

    Helena Oosterweghel


    The longer your there the better the owner gets. He was so helpful and kind. Drawing us maps and helping us do everything on the cheap. Everyday breakfast was different which was great! The rooms and the showers were all very Jordan. This place is perfect for the budget traveler!

  • en

    tawny frogmouth


    Its a construction site. Halfly paved, the mouldy walls covered with bare plaster panells, rotten door, no heater, no shower curten. Dirty, spotted linen, no blanket cover. Had to ask for towels. The paid breakfast was nowhere at 08:30 still every day, so we left without it. My worst ever experience.

  • Seryna Cheng

    Seryna Cheng


    Really nice and helpful owner, this guy is so helpful and offers us the best deals. We wanted to rent a car for a few days and the company he recommended gave us such a fair and great price, we couldn't refuse! The car company even picked us up and dropped us at the hotel for free. The room was cold but the owner will let you use the heater to warm it up for a bit. Showers are hot but not for an extended period of time, but this seems to be a norm for all of Jordan. Always offered hot tea and coffee and WiFi is good!

  • en

    Jawhara Hammuh


    Amazing place to stay if you have a low budget. The hotel manager Loay is very nice and hosted us well. If you are looking for a chilled place to stay and meet many people and feel at home, this is the place!

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