Jordan Tower Hotel i Amman

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JordanJordan Tower Hotel



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48 Hashemi Street، Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 461 4161
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.951787, Longitude: 35.937461

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tobias Brunner


    Really happy with this place. Stayed here 6 nights in the 12 person dorm. Used it as a base to see the northern half of Jordan. Worked really well. Their pricing and services were good, and the staff was generally on point all the time. I would recommend it.

  • en

    Mitch van Thor


    Hostel at nice location. Friendly owner, fast and reliable contact. The hotel is old, but it works. Don't expect too much luxury. Beds were ok, sheets were in my opinion not clean but were immediately changed after complaining. AC was was not working, batteries of the remote had to be changed. Bathrooms were small but clean. Breakfast is good. Owner is working hard and provides a safe environment. I changed plans and left 2 days earlier, he told me to come back in the end to use my 2 days. I made 2 tours, arranged by the hotel. Tours were good, drivers of course try to get you to expensive (and good) restaurants. However after asking for cheaper options, this was no problem.

  • Glen Roberts

    Glen Roberts


    Pay for what you get really, staff were great. AC was turned off even though it was advertised, toilet shower combos meant that the bathroom was always flooded and some nice mould on the wall, TV didn't work and Wifi barely worked on the lobby floor and didn't work at all on our room floor.

  • en

    Fadi Hammad


    Excellent hostel for a fair price. Clean and safe located at the heart of Amman. A room includes a local delicious breakfast. 5/5 would come back again. Big thank you to Jihad and Omar for providing excellent services.

  • Charlotte PARIS

    Charlotte PARIS


    Such a great place to meet other travelers. Lots of organised trips, wonderfully helpful staff who helped me so much when I broke my tooth there. By the way, Jordan should GE more credit as a dentistry destination, seriously good. Anyway, breakfast with plenty to eat humus, cucumber, Tomatoes, a weird sausage and some bean and eggs (if you don't expect scrambled eggs to be scrambled eggs - seems to be just mixed and cooked eggs in he region). Dormitories are just what you need and the man in he cafe downstairs is one of the best human being I have ever met.

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