JOR Elite Bowling center i Amman

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JordanJOR Elite Bowling center



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Wasfi At-Tall Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9228 3838
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9866449, Longitude: 35.8788395

kommentar 5

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    Although this place is very recommended to visit, but I didn’t like how the game was stopped so many times because there was something wrong, they should really fix that. And also they should install a cabinet and an area for shoes. But I love the variety of games they have. Ping pong/ pool/ foosball and bowling. Plus their prices are good and they have a special offer everyday till 6 pm.

  • zaid shawahin

    zaid shawahin


    While the place looks very nice, I wouldn't recommend going for bowling there, we played 1 game of bowling and it almost took us 50 minutes to finish it because the machine would jam and we'd have to stop every two rounds and wait for the staff to fix it, which, by the way, take their time to help you, price was (4JOD) per person, which would have been so good if weren't for the bad experience they give.

  • zain truzedayl

    zain truzedayl


    Clean The staff are nice I wish the bowling was based on time, not rounds It was initially hard to get there Its in the same building as carefour but its on the 5th floor

  • Mohammad Sameer

    Mohammad Sameer


    Very reasonable prices. Plenty of bowling lines. Some of them are malfunctioning and some have their screens not working. However, very good place for bowling and spend nice moments.

  • Wesam Alissa

    Wesam Alissa


    A good place to have different activities; play bowling, pool, darts, table tennis, babyfoot and PlayStation. Prices are reasonable and the building has parking underneath. It is good for friends outing or even for a company activity....

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