Hashem Restaurant Down Town i Amman

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JordanHashem Restaurant Down Town



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King Faisal Street, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 463 6440
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 31.9522917, Longitude: 35.9319405

kommentar 5

  • Dia Rashid

    Dia Rashid


    Perfect....classic taste which we used to in our childhood. I am living out of Jordan and each vacation I have to go there to memorize my old days. Love it and invite all my friends who visit Jordan there .

  • en

    Ebby Mj


    Hands down the best flafel and Humus restaurant in town. If you are visiting Amman for the first time you have to pass by this place and grab a bite. everything is freshly made. The staff are very welcoming and friendly and the most importantly the food is great.

  • Haneen Sousa

    Haneen Sousa


    Still the best falafel and hummus place in Amman! The seating is in an alley and it has a very authentic experience to it. They never change a thing which makes it even more special. Every tourist should visit there at least once

  • en

    Janan Allawi


    A well known place for falafels, filled with locals. More of a dingy place in an ally, don’t come expecting a fancy restaurant! There isn’t a menu (I don’t think) and the food is mostly sharing style starters rather than big meals, but you will definitely leave full. The food was really good, and very cheap. The food is vegetarian (and maybe even, vegan?) and the atmosphere is very chilled out. It’s quite popular and gets busy very quickly.

  • en

    Jieyang Su


    Popular place for falafel and hummus. I don't think there is a menu, we sat down and was provided with bread, falafel, hummus, dips and salad. Drinks were ordered separately. The portions are generous and prices are cheap. Usually very busy and place was packed when we arrived. Good place for a cheap vegetarian meal.

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