Eco Cleaners i Amman/Abdoun

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanEco Cleaners



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5 Al-Masarah St, Amman/Abdoun, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 7 9884 7336
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.948548, Longitude: 35.879073

kommentar 5

  • en

    AdoodA Abuhasan


    wat a wonderful perfect professional dry clean ,,, many special thanks 2 m7md the guy who was responsible on my dress ,,, i had a problem with my dress & i lost hope in getting it as it was ,,, but he've done it really well ,,, & special thanks also 2 the cashier guy (sorry dun know his name) ,,, they r really so nice & so kind in treating customers ,,, BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER & finally a special thanks also 2 the owner who hired such a sweet professional people :)) btw its the 1st time i enter this dry clean & 4 sure it will nt b the last 1 :) (my problem was a DRY CLEAN ONLY DRESS (all of it white & on it many big blue flowers) felt in water accidentally ,,, & blue colour came on white ,,, it was a mess & can't wear it any more) but thx god i took it 2 the right place & everything was fine :)))) the BEST PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEAN ever :) (NOT EXPENSIVE AT ALL/ ON TIME/ EXTRA CLEAN STUFF/NICE SMELL/ EXCELLENT SERVICE) seriously they deserve 5 plus plus ,,, even more if we could rate higher :) I RECOMMEND IT SO MUCH :) BIG HIGH THUMB 👍 👍 👍

  • en

    Sas / Yas Design


    Excellent service, fair market prices and on time! Thank you!

  • Chffc Chfhv

    Chffc Chfhv


    ممتاز ورائع جدا يستحقون التحية ارسل ملابسي وانا مطمئن انها سترجع نظيفة وبدون نقص

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    Ali Buhaji


    Too expensive, paid 20 JOD to wash and iron three t shirts and two shorts. The problem is that when I recieved them they didnt even look clean and smelly !

  • en

    Gorgui Niokhor Diouf


    Great service and right on time

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