DNA Personal Training i Amman

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JordanDNA Personal Training



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18, Irbid Street, Amman, JO Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 6 592 1449
internet side: www.dna-jo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.940796, Longitude: 35.8925

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zeus Daoud


    Gym is nice, location is excellent as it is right next to my house. I came to try it. The only thing that stopped me from joining is the attitude of the man that was on the reception in the morning shift. He was'nt welcoming at all and whenever I came to ask him a question he used to reply in a non hospitable way.

  • en

    Fatin Marini


    I have tried several gyms in Amman but this is the best. The trainers are knowledgeable in their respective areas and are always willing to help. I have seen results here that i have not anywhere else. The classes are tailor-made to push you to your limit and beyond. If classes aren't your thing (though i recommend you try them at least once here! you'll be hooked!), DNA has a full gym...all variety of machines and weights. The best thing about DNA is the customer service. Staff is friendly and helpful. Also noteworthy is you can purchase class passes. You pay for what you use. Don't have to worry about getting stuck with minimum month memberships . If you're looking for a no-nonsense gym to workout...DNA is the place. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this clean, well-organized gym where I found my love for working out!

  • Rami Jarwan

    Rami Jarwan


    Great gym.. great trainers

  • anis alkour

    anis alkour



  • Rami Tissawak

    Rami Tissawak


    Good place

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