Days Inn Hotel Suites Amman i Amman

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JordanDays Inn Hotel Suites Amman



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Al Rabyeh OmarBin Abdulaziz St Amman JO 11195, Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 551 9011
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9764035, Longitude: 35.8870232

kommentar 5

  • Joe Aldas

    Joe Aldas


    This hotel is the worse I have been, the employees are no nice, the food is bad. It's not comfortable.

  • en

    Deniz balcıoğlu


    The pool part of the hotel was good but the outdoor pool was a bit dirty from the dust. The location of the hotel and transportation is good. Room service is not very good. Wedding organizations organized in the hotel create a cheerful atmosphere. It's nice to have a club in the hotel. The breakfast is very good.

  • en

    Nabil Alkhatib


    Amazing service, amazing rooms, amazing people, just an amazing hotel all together

  • Julie Ajjan

    Julie Ajjan


    The staff are friendly and helpful. The buffet is sooooo good. Our room is a bit dated but it's clean and the hotel is very accommodating to your needs.

  • kalboussi yassine

    kalboussi yassine


    I stayed here for 10 days. They put music in the corridors at 8 am every morning. And also taxis in front the hotel abuse non local people. The cleaning of the rooms was pretty good.

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