CLSTR i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Al Abdali, Amman, Jordania
kontakter telefon: +962 7 7565 0053
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9567046, Longitude: 35.9101486

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christopher Peterson


    Kicked me out for no apparent reason, refused to tell me why. Eventually the bouncer (who had quite the attitude) told me I was blacklisted. I had been going here most weekends with my friends and we all spend a fair bit on drinks. I'll never be coming back after last night and I'll be spreading the word to everyone possible. Very bad experience.

  • Fares Saifi

    Fares Saifi


    Wonderful ambience. Every detail is well pondered in the design. Three levels of security guarantee a quarrel-free atmosphere. The staff are friendly and the music is diverse week in week out. The first high level dance arena of it's kind in jordan. Recommended.

  • Jude Khalaf

    Jude Khalaf


    This place is a unique gem in Jordan! It's filled with wonderful people, always a fun time with great crows and even greater staff! Love this place!

  • Zayd Grey

    Zayd Grey


    Does not compare to CLSTR last year. I literally went every weekend last year, but this year, I've given up after the second event. It's definitely less organized.

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    Very nice interior design, it’s hip and modern and out of the box! The music is good, nice crowd, good security check up, and huge dancing area. But it’s a bit pricey and sometimes the djs keep repeating the same beat. But overall it’s one of the successful clubs in Amman.

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