Books@cafe i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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'Umar Ibn Al Khattab, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 465 0457
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Latitude: 31.9481, Longitude: 35.93136

kommentar 5

  • Akram Al Sheikh

    Akram Al Sheikh


    This place is one of my favourite in Amman. Nice view, great food and friendly staff. But it's a bit expensive. Beer is 10 dollars that's even without taxes....

  • Rasha s

    Rasha s


    One of my favorite places in amman. Great view, food and atmosphere, i would def ask them for more attention on serving tables or maybe add one more waiter. But overall super

  • Anton Roy

    Anton Roy


    Just off Rainbow street. Lively place, buzzing with people of all age groups. Nice place for a family gathering. Very good attentive customer service. Very good selection of meals, snacks and drinks. Lovely view. Different sitting areas, spacious and your are still able to find a private space for you to focus on your work.

  • en

    Amber Montgomery


    A nice view and a good atmosphere. I love what they stand for in the community but I haven't always found the best or most friendly service here. The food is pretty overpriced for the quality but a lot of the drinks are good. The view is great and there's lots of space. A good place for studying and working during the day and hanging out at night.

  • Guglielmo Delasa

    Guglielmo Delasa


    Very good, lovely and friendly place to visit. The book part is brilliant, with a choice so wide it actually comes as a surprise! The cafe is even better: an exquisite and peculiar environment with great food for all tastes and a good selection of teas and shisha. The downside is that food might take a while, but the pizza I had was definitely worth the wait. The staff is also very friendly and kind.

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