Baraka Mall i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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JordanBaraka Mall



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Hay As-Suwayfiyya, Amman, Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 580 8888
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9553273, Longitude: 35.8661899

kommentar 5

  • en

    Riham sabatin


    So nice . Very tranquil experience . Amazing order of services . A smart location . 💕

  • Afeef Qawasmi

    Afeef Qawasmi


    You fine anything . Food . Clothes . And cinemas . A lot more

  • Lour Rabieh

    Lour Rabieh


    Love this mall it's a great place for a quick shopping visit Old for watching movies you can find almost everything you need in one place it has easy access from both sides of the mall the prices there it's not that expensive and the location is perfect

  • Bader Helal

    Bader Helal


    The mall has mostly luxury brands, clothing shops, a kids club, café, cinema... But it lacks restaurants and I feel the shops should be a bit more diverse.... In any shopping center. The mall is quite and doesn't get crowded which can be a plus if you don't like malls hustle and bustle.

  • Mouammar I. AlHadidi

    Mouammar I. AlHadidi


    Mall with great location I. The center of shopping g area. They don't have a anchor shop, yet they have many high end brands. Cinemas there are the best in Jordan 🇯🇴 and the concept of Cinebistro is great. Parking is available and it's great..

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