Avis i Amman

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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66, Al Kulliyah Al Elmiyah Al Eslamiyah St, Amman, JO Jordan
kontakter telefon: +962 6 569 9420
internet side: www.avis.com.jo
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Latitude: 31.953018, Longitude: 35.913159

kommentar 5

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    Mike Anthony


    I picked up a car from here in July 2018. The gentleman behind the desk was very helpful, and sort out some difficulty with our booking and double checked the car for us. You should be aware cars here are picked up with whatever fuel is in them, rather than full to full, so we had to fill up. I believe that our vehicle was a free upgrade to a Chevy Cruze (which I found to be excellent vehicle). I was very pleased with the quality of service here. I don't think I will be in Aqaba again for a long, long time, but if I were coming back, I would rent here again.

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    Faraj trad


    Make sue to take the car full

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    Mohamed Hafrath


    Excellent service👌👌

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    Mohammad Hassan


    The worst car rental company in amman. Bad cars & Bad customer service.

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    abo ogla


    Avis Jordan - Amman , the worst place you will rent your car from it. my Avis rented car engine broken down after 24 hours renting at the Amman city center and i forced to wait about two hours till their representative came and he did nothing, after i left the car with their representative went by taxi to Avis office i didn't surprise with bad customer service its same as i got by phone . in addition they was not able to find replacement. during the additional two hours in waiting at their office three customers also came Avis rental office complaining about bad cars given to them and they asking for replace it. i strongly advice everybody interest to rent a car to avoid Avis Amman.

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