Amman Marriott Hotel i Amman

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JordanAmman Marriott Hotel



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Issam Al Ajlouni Street, Shmeissani, Amman, Иордания
kontakter telefon: +962 6 560 7607
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9736035, Longitude: 35.9064241

kommentar 5

  • Chris Weir

    Chris Weir


    My second trip here and I'll be looking forward to many more in the future. Omar, Amer, Hasaan, Raed, and the rest of the staff all made it as great of a stay as it was my first time around. Can't wait to return.

  • Ahmed Samir

    Ahmed Samir


    Great hotel, very friendly staff. They renovated the GYM and in the process of renovating the indoor pool and the spa. I've enjoyed my stay there, maybe there are better hotels in the neighborhood but I'll always come back to this one.

  • Rami Odeh

    Rami Odeh


    Amazing Facility, Poor Parking Service, You need to keep driving outside Hotel to find a Parking, Guards cannot just say " Hotel Parking is Full" without giving any suggestions or Alternatives.

  • Oliver Ogg

    Oliver Ogg


    Good hotel, good location and with extremely friendly and helpful staff. I particularly enjoyed the Italian restaurant and the mushroom tortellini. Also through the hotel I arranged a quick trip to the Marriott at the Dead Sea to relax, go for a dip in the Dead Sea, lunch and a swim in the pool.

  • en

    Prasad Aloni


    Centrally located in Amman. Most local attractions can be reached by local yellow cabs for a few dinars. There isn't much to do in the vicinity of the hotel. However, the property itself is great with all the modern amenities. Staff is fantastic. We loved the executive lounge service.

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